Took Hekta and Eeva to the show, Hekta was his usual confident and loud self, he's always a good lad and easy going in a hyperactive kind of way. Hekta was awarded Reserve Grand Champion by one judge so was very pleased with that but in the other show he was awarded 2nd and the Res Grand Champion award was witheld, funnily enough it was the same judge as witheld on Eeva below.
Eeva was the one I was worried about as this was her first ever show but I did feel it was the right time for her not to win anything but to be in a show atmosphere, she came to me a very frightened little Devon Rex who would hide and run if you went too near to her, after 18 months of constant love and attention, her becoming a Mom and being accepted within the Whimzeerex household she sat in her pen, did not hide under the blanket and I watched as the stewards and judges handled her, she was just brilliant and although one judge was very critical about her and witheld the CC the other judge awarded her the CC and BOB. I didn't care if she didn't win because to see her so confident was reward enough for me - Well done my little Eeva.