I am so worried about little Elsa, I took her to the vets on Monday with what appeared to be an inner ear infection. It turns out she has injured her spine so tomorrow she has appointment with a specialist who I hope can make her better. She still has a good appetite and I am feeding her every 4 hours. She is warm and comfortable and I'm placing all my hope in tomorrows appointment.
Babies new scratch post arrived this morning, clean bed happy Mom's, lots of Royal Canin Babycat biscuits arrived this morning - Lilac boy does not want solid food - there's always one!!!
What a delightful bunch they are, I get no housework done as I spend far too much time watching the babies play and cuddling them. They love cuddles. They had their first taste of solid food yesterday and the blue boy loves it.
Here's some pictures...............
Updates will be more regular now my lurgy is on the mend.
Mom's are now sharing duties and the babies are thriving, Helga's 2 boys are little fatties, Luna's little girl is no longer white as her ears have changed colour - very exciting to see the change, she is also the first to open her eyes.
Took Hekta and Eeva to the show, Hekta was his usual confident and loud self, he's always a good lad and easy going in a hyperactive kind of way. Hekta was awarded Reserve Grand Champion by one judge so was very pleased with that but in the other show he was awarded 2nd and the Res Grand Champion award was witheld, funnily enough it was the same judge as witheld on Eeva below. Eeva was the one I was worried about as this was her first ever show but I did feel it was the right time for her not to win anything but to be in a show atmosphere, she came to me a very frightened little Devon Rex who would hide and run if you went too near to her, after 18 months of constant love and attention, her becoming a Mom and being accepted within the Whimzeerex household she sat in her pen, did not hide under the blanket and I watched as the stewards and judges handled her, she was just brilliant and although one judge was very critical about her and witheld the CC the other judge awarded her the CC and BOB. I didn't care if she didn't win because to see her so confident was reward enough for me - Well done my little Eeva.
After 16 hours the romper is off and Luna can feed her babies, Luna is also such a Princess she requires lots of love, attention and encouragement from me. It was a long day but well worth it, Luna gave birth to a very loud little girl and a very cute little boy. She has a romper on to stop babies feeding from her for the first day due to blood type difference between the parents. I am hand feeding them for now.
2 gorgeous boys were born 2nd April, Helga did have a further 2 babies that had sadly already gone to rainbow bridge before they were born, Mom and babies are doing very well and are settled in their nice warm pen.
We are all getting very excited here, kitten pens are ready with heated beds and clean soft blankets. I have lots of caffeine, chocolate and micro meals. Clean towels at the ready all we need is babies. Helga is never far from me and her Mom Nahla gives her lots of cuddles in between her business around the house. Gorgeous Luna, every bit a Princess demands cuddles frequently and of course I am well trained to drop everything and comply - who could resist?