GCCF Cat Shows 2013
Due to a copyright law thingy the GCCF are insisting no reports are copied from their website without the judges permission so please visit the official GCCF show report page
GCCF World Cat Show with the Suffolk & Norfolk Cat Club
18th May 2013
Wood Green Animal Shelter
Hekta was made up to Champion today, so proud of him.
The Coventry & Leicester Cat Club
23rd February 2013
Warwickshire Exhibition Centre
Luna got her 3rd CC today making her Champion Dixylan Luna Lovegood I am so proud of her, she will now be making babies with Whimzeerex George Weasley who got 2nd to Nichola Brown's handsome boy Sid. So proud of them both, Luna and Chesta had a photo took with the photographers helpers, Luna was rather smitten were her man and decided to go down the back of his jumper, I was then telling him to undo his coat and was then trying to get Luna from out of his jumper, I realise now how disturbing that must of been for the poor young man, Sam said I just put my hands up his jumper so fast rofl - all I wanted was Luna :-)
So yes a very good day I had, I stewarded for Ann Ivinson, I got bit by a british shorthair male, scratched by another 2 and held the cutest Somali kitten ever, got to hold a gorgeous big Maine Coon and many other beautiful cats.
The venue was very cold but didn't detract from the enjoyment of the day too much, well done to everyone and thank you to Heather Bradley for helping me get to the train station safely.
So yes a very good day I had, I stewarded for Ann Ivinson, I got bit by a british shorthair male, scratched by another 2 and held the cutest Somali kitten ever, got to hold a gorgeous big Maine Coon and many other beautiful cats.
The venue was very cold but didn't detract from the enjoyment of the day too much, well done to everyone and thank you to Heather Bradley for helping me get to the train station safely.
DIXYLAN LUNA LOVEGOOD (33a 14c) D.O.B 22/02/12
Shropshire Cat Club
2nd February 2013
Fenton Manor Sports Complex
Had a lovely day at the show, I was Steward for Mr Crow and Sam helped out on the table. Hekta was awarded his 1st CC and BOB, so proud of him and Luna came 2nd in her class, she was awarded 2nd this time because she is small - I am disappointed as she only needed 1 more CC to be Champion so she will be eating mainly spinach from now on.
DIXYLAN RONALD WEASLEY, (33a15d) D.O.B. 18.02.2012
DIXYLAN LUNA LOVEGOOD (33a 14c) D.O.B 22/02/12
Short Haired Cat Society
5th January 2013
The Sports Connexion, Coventry
Had a lovely day at the show today with Samantha, Emma Warrener & Nicole Rankin who very kindly collected us from Coventry station - which really helped me out and reduced my stress levels considerably, thank you Nicole xxx. Lillibet was the perfect kitten who seemed to enjoy her day. Luna and Chesta behaved very well too and I am so proud of both of them both being awarded a CC from Mr Godfrey. I was less impressed with cleanliness of the pens, also had to go home without Luna's CC - it will be sent in the post.
DIXYLAN LUNA LOVEGOOD (33a 14c) D.O.B 22/02/12